Wdo Studio 2017

The digital version

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Nowadays and with the explosion of social networks* the behavior of Internet users has changed. The takers and influencers are acclaimed and the "digital word of mouth" makes or breaks the reputation of a brand, a company or an event.

One can then legitimately ask the question of having one's own website or is it better to rely on these new behaviors. Especially as depending on the type of site, the budget can vary from 1 to 100. Wdo Studio has chosen to make a mix of these two approaches.

The idea is to allow anyone to create a real digital version of a document, flyer or page and use social networks to relay it. Whether it is a presentation of institutional form, a product sheet, an event poster,... its digital version will enrich it.

Our customers can create as many digital pages as they wish for a few days, weeks, months or years. By clicking here, you will see different examples of digital documents. Of course the designer at any time to change its content and eventually it will disappear automatically.

*Some figures: Facebook (2 billion active users per month (June 2017)), YouTube (1.5 billion active users per month on Youtube (June 2017)), WhatsApp (1.2 billion active users per month (February 2017)), Instagram (700 million monthly active users on Instagram (April 2017)), Google (359 million monthly active users on Google (May 2013)), Twitter (328 million active users per month (April 2017)).

Web Design

Web design requires various skills: in programming, ergonomics and interactivity, as well as a good knowledge of the technical constraints related to this field: diversity of terminals (Pc, Smartphone, Tablet or Smart-TV) and their displays, accessibility, specificities of the different languages ​​and processes, portability, compliance with recommendations (eg W3C).

First, we present a functional model with its technical specifications: ergonomics, graphic charter, visual identity, marketing, interactivity.

We recommend a simple dynamic page based on scrollPage technology in HTML format including images and links to other content and enriched with CSS Responsive and features to make it interactive with services programmed in PHP, JavaScript, and Ajax.

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Specific ones

If standardization is required in 90% of cases, we can study projects or customized modules.

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Social Network

The term "social media" is increasingly used and tends to replace the term Web 2.0 and covers the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and content creation. Through these means of social communication, individuals or groups of individuals form a social network, collaborate, create web content together, organize content, index, modify or comment on it, combine it with personal creations.

That's why we regularly offer to create and configure the main social networks such as Twitter, Google+, Facebook, ... And especially to create a direct link between them and the document, flyer or digital page.

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We work in back office on the installation and configuration of third-party solutions like CMS* (ex: Wordpress or Drupal).

*CMS is the acronym for content management system, in French, "system de gestion de contenu". It is a computer program that uses a database to manage the appearance and content of a website from A to Z.

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We participate in the development of "local trade".

Better known by the acronym Mvdo, this site is designed as an application. Visit Mvdo

Context of the mission: Find a cost-effective solution to allow bakers to communicate better on the net.

Main Mission: Develop a contact management system (merchants, stores, users and partners), media (photos, video, documents and sounds), products and reservations, as well as alerts (by notification). Develop modules such as registration (merchant and user), geolocation merchants, automatic post on social networks, creation on the fly of QR-Codes (games or links), PDF, direct mail to registered customers , cron tasks ...

Achievements: A complete solution offering the trader

  • An online showcase on the Internet,
  • Media galleries (photos, videos, documents, music ...),
  • Products offered for online booking, Automatic communication on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flux Rss ...,
  • Smart-TV communication connected in store,
  • Commercial tools (QR-Games, QR-Codes, business cards, ...),
  • Access to the partner's media (photos, videos, music, flyers, brochures and other PDFs),
  • Automation of exchanges (automatic generation of notifications, emails and mailings).

Results: Creation of a social network of traders open to bakers, pizzerias, wine merchants and florists.

My Trader

W3Schools is a popular website for learning web technologies online. The content includes tutorials and references related to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Bootstrap and jQuery. It receives each year more than 10 million unique visitors.

Created in 1998, its name comes from the World Wide Web, but is not affiliated with the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). It is managed by Refsnes Data in Norway. W3Schools presents thousands of code examples.

By using an online editor, readers can edit examples and run the code in a sandbox.

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GitHub is a web hosting and software development management service, using Git versioning software. This site is developed in Ruby on Rails and Erlang by Chris Wanstrath, PJ Hyett and Tom Preston-Werner.

In April 2016, GitHub announced it has surpassed 14 million users and more than 35 million project repositories placing it as the world's largest source code host.

The name GitHub is composed of the word "git" referring to an open-source version control system and the word "hub" referring to the social network built around the Git system.

Octocat is the mascot of the brand. Designed in a Manga style, it has legs of cephalopod tentacles instead.

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PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, better known by its acronym PHP (recursive acronym), is a free programming language, mainly used to produce dynamic Web pages via an HTTP server, but can also work like any other language interpreted locally. PHP is an imperative object-oriented language. It is considered as one of the bases of the creation of so-called dynamic websites but also web applications.

The PHP language was created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf for his website. It was originally a software library in C which he used to keep track of visitors who came to see his resume. As it added new features, Rasmus transformed the library into an implementation that can communicate with databases and create dynamic and simple applications for the Web. Rasmus then decided in 1995 to publish his code, so that everyone can use it and enjoy it.

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Learn new things

Get better and learn new things with more than 300 hours of free video tutorials.

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Contact us

If you want us to contact you, leave us a message with your contact details and especially a day and an hour so that we can call you back.

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Opening hours

Monday from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00,
Tuesday from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00,
Wednesday from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00,
Thursday from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00,
Friday from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00,
Saturday closed,
Sunday closed.

Contact information

Wdo Studio

10 rue de la Gar2 - 62840 Laventie
0972 276 2234