Wdo Studio 2017

The digital version

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Terms of use


    Le présent site internet https://www.wdostudio.com défini sous le terme générique de "Développement Web online help" appartient à Wdo Studio - 10 rue de la Gar2 - 62840 Laventie, dit Responsable éditorial et s'appuie sur une technologie développée par Wdo Studio, dit Créateur du site. Les termes d'Utilisateur ou d'Internaute définissent toute personne physique et/ou morale qui vient à visiter le présent site internet. Les présentes conditions d'utilisation s'adresse à tous visiteurs de Développement Web online help, nous vous remercions de bien vouloir les lire attentivement avant de le parcourir le site.

    Terms of use

    By connecting to Développement Web online help, you unreservedly agree to these terms. The Editorial Officer can not be held responsible in any way for the misuse of Développement Web online help. For a better comfort of use and a more pleasant graphic, Développement Web online help is developed in languages ​​HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and uses cookies (some functionalities of Développement Web online help can be deactivated without the acceptance of these cookies). We recommend the use of browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IExplorer, ... Développement Web online help can also be accessed from a tablet or smartphone via their own internet browser. The Editorial Officer is not held or constrained by the use of any particular technology or by the requirements related to technological developments in general. It is up to the Internet user to regularly update these techological tools such as Box, Pc, Tablets and other smartphones. However, everything will be done to improve and guarantee access to Développement Web online help to the greatest number.

    The Internet user must respect the rules of use applied to navigation on a website. It should not attempt, for example, to access Développement Web online help using any method other than the interface and the instructions provided to it. The Internet user is not authorized to delete, hide or modify the legal notices displayed in Développement Web online help.
    All content of Développement Web online help, including but not limited to graphics, images, texts, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs and icons and their formatting are the exclusive property, according to the original property, of the Editorial Manager or of the Site Creator. The use of Développement Web online help does not confer any property rights on its contents, unless authorized by law. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, of these various elements is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization, according to the original property, of the editorial manager or creator of the site. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement, punishable by articles L.3335-2 according to the French Code of Intellectual Property, which can engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. In addition, the owners of the copied contents could take legal action against the counterfeiter. If the Terms of Use are not respected and the Editorial Manager or Site Creator does not immediately take action on this, this does not mean that they waive their rights (including, to take action later). The Internet user acknowledges that any disputes related to these Terms of Use will be governed by French law. Any legal action related to these Terms of Use shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the court to which the Editorial Manager or Site Creator reports according to the subject matter of the dispute. The Internet user agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of this court.

    Personal information to the Internet user can be collected, in which case Développement Web online help is the subject of a declaration (N°1593556) to the national commission of computing and liberties (www.cnil.fr) from which the Internet user can make claim his rights. In no case this information is entrusted to third parties except for the proper performance of a service requested by the user. The Editorial Manager may send letters, emails or SMS to the Internet user. In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, the Internet user has a right to access and rectify information concerning him and that he can exercise by sending a letter to Wdo Studio - 10 rue de la Gar2 62840 Laventie or an email on contact2017@wdostudio.com.


    Photos, videos and other media are not contractual. The Editorial Manager makes every effort to ensure reliable information and updates. However inaccuracies, errors or omissions may occur, so the user must always ensure the accuracy of information from the editorial manager and report any changes deemed useful. As such, the Internet user can send his remarks by email on contact2017@wdostudio.com or by calling the 0972 276 2234, taking care to describe the problem as accurately as possible. The Editorial Officer may post content that does not necessarily belong to Développement Web online help or links to other Internet resources that can not be held liable. Therefore, the Internet user must never assume that these external contents have been previously verified. The Editorial Officer reserves the right to suspend or discontinue access to Développement Web online help if the conditions are not met or if it is suspected improper use.

    About these terms

    The Editorial Manager or Site Creator may modify these Terms at any time, including to reflect changes in the law. It is recommended that the Internet user regularly consult the Terms of Use. Any changes specific to a new feature or for legal reasons will apply immediately. Obviously if the user does not accept the modifications to the Terms of Use, he must stop using Développement Web online help. These Terms of Use govern the relationship between the Internet user and Développement Web online help. They do not create rights for third-party beneficiaries.

    About Cookies

    A cookie (or login cookie) is a text file that can be saved, subject to your choice, in a dedicated space on your computer's hard drive (computer, tablet, etc.) when consulting a customer. online service through your browser software. It is transmitted by the server of a website to your browser. Each cookie is assigned an anonymous identifier. The cookie file allows its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is registered during the period of validity or registration of the cookie concerned. A cookie does not allow to go back to a natural person. Développement Web online help uses cookies that include information about user browsing for the purpose of statistical analysis. In any case, the Editorial Manager can not identify an Internet user by a cookie; the latter only records information relating to the Internet user's navigation on the https://www.wdostudio.com site.
    In any case, you have control of these cookies, since they are stored on your computer, and have the ability to read them, filter them, refuse them and destroy them.
    You can destroy the "cookies" already installed on your computer or oppose the recording of cookies on your computer by configuring your computer as follows:

    For Chrome:
    1. Click on the personalization menu, then "Settings"
    2. Click "Advanced Settings" and then "Content Settings"
    3. In "Cookies", uncheck the button "Allow sites to save and read cookie data"

    For Firefox 3.5 and +:
    1. Click "menu", then "Options"
    2. Click on "Privacy and Security"
    3. In "History", select "Use custom settings for history" and uncheck the "Accept cookies" button

    For Opera 6.0 and beyond:
    1. Click on "Menu", then "Settings"
    2. Click on "Privacy & Security"
    3. In the "Cookies" section, check "Prevent sites from creating data"

    For Microsoft Edge:
    1. Click "menu", then "Settings"
    2. Click on "Advanced Settings"
    3. In the "Cookies" section, select "Block all cookies"
    For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and +:
    1. Click "menu", "Internet Options"
    2. Click on the "Privacy" tab
    3. Select the desired level using the slider or click on the "Advanced" button to customize your cookie management

    For Netscape 6.X and 7.X:
    1. Choose the "Edit"> "Preferences" menu
    2. Confidentiality and Security
    3. Cookies

    Otherwise, you accept cookies by continuing your navigation.

    Date de la dernière modification, le 11/03/2018 15:54